
The Future of Automation Testing: Trends and Predictions for 2023

The emphasis on application quality is expanding quickly since it serves as the primary interface between developers and users. Originally, the purpose of application testing was to detect and fix application issues while also ensuring high performance and quality. Nowadays organizations strive to provide an excellent user experience, improve their time-to-market metrics by using automation testing and scale the productivity of their team.

Test teams are under pressure to deliver high-quality, bug-free apps in ever-faster cycles. To maintain top-notch quality for the end user, the method applications are tested is evolving in parallel with the quick speed of technological development and the growing complexity of application development.

Therefore to develop and deploy high-quality applications fast, organizations must continue to innovate and reinvent themselves to adopt new techniques by figuring out how to optimize techniques and technologies. As the world gets more digital, we are witnessing huge changes in technological advancements like IoT, AI, cloud testing, machine learning, etc. As a result, automation testing is highly necessary.

In this article, we will examine some of the most promising automated testing trends that have the greatest chance of expanding significantly in 2023. In this rapidly evolving environment, these trends will provide opportunities for growth and optimization that were previously impossible. Before we continue, let’s quickly go over what automation testing is and its importance.

Automation testing

For modifications and advancements, automation testing is a key area of focus. It enables organizations to quickly and effectively test the quality of applications without the need for human testers. Accelerating the release of applications while preserving quality, helps organizations achieve their goals.

Significance of automation in organizations

To ensure quality, testing of an application must be conducted frequently during development cycles. Tests should be run again after each source code change. Every application release may be tested on all supported hardware setups and operating systems. It costs money and takes a lot of time to manually repeat these tests. Through tedious manual testing, even the most careful testers might make mistakes.

Thanks to automation, the world is moving towards a more digital way of functioning. Regardless of the type of automation that has been considered, it now has several benefits. Once they are built, automated tests may be executed accurately and repeatedly without failing to capture precise results at no additional cost. They are also significantly faster than manual tests. By eliminating tedious manual tests, testers have more time to develop new automated tests and work with complicated features.

Using automation is essential to organizations that want to cut costs, increase productivity, and improve user and employee happiness. By automating manual tasks, they may also make sure that their digital transformation goals are achieved.

Let’s talk about some of the most recent trends in automation testing to watch out for in 2023 while keeping in mind the importance of automation.

Scriptless test automation

In recent years scriptless test automation is becoming increasingly popular as a trend in automation testing. It is regarded as a crucial method since it offers a strong interface for creating automation suites without writing any scripts.

Several kinds of apps are being released into the market at a quick rate. As a result, testers must continuously update their understanding of the newest technologies, including programming languages, while also tackling backlogs. The procedure can be tedious and irritating at times. Thankfully, testers don’t have to spend a lot of time coding with scriptless test automation technologies.

With the use of these technologies, testers may create reliable, repeatable automated tests. These solutions bridge technological gaps, automate reliable testing with the use of AI/ML algorithms within a self-healing mechanism, reduce maintenance time and expense, and deliver reliable findings.

Shift Left Testing

Shift-left testing is another current trend in automation testing. Application testing has always been carried out on the right side of the workflow.  Shift-left testing is the practice of advancing testing into the initial phases of the software development life cycle. This aids in early bug detection since bugs and errors that are found earlier are less expensive to fix.

Early and frequent testing allows developers to create high-quality code, avoid the need for code patches, improve teamwork, and reduce time and resources.

Testing with machine learning and artificial intelligence

Although using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI/ML) approaches to address application testing difficulties is not new. Yet, these two technologies will continue to be prevalent in test automation trends in the upcoming years. Organizations will discover techniques to enhance testing in AI/ML. Without any assistance from humans, artificial intelligence and machine learning employ predictive models to identify the various testing features and create detailed test plans.

AI/ML can be used by automation testing teams to enhance their testing methodologies. The algorithms used in artificial intelligence and machine learning are designed to analyze vast amounts of data, produce improved test cases and test scripts, and produce thorough test results.

The predictive models could determine the essential characteristics and specifications of end-user behavior and identify other areas where it should focus. The teams may uncover issues and understand test coverage, high-risk locations, etc. with the use of smart analytics and visualization.

In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that AI/ML would be utilized to address issues including quality prediction, ranking test cases according to priority, and categorizing and assigning faults.

Adoption of automated tools for Blockchain

Blockchain testing is one of the automation testing techniques that is gaining popularity as ledger-based technology becomes more prevalent. Its applications range from protecting financial transactions to securely sharing corporate data.

Blockchain testing aims to validate the security and reliability of the shared ledger network that links several blocks. These blocks may include various software programs, each associated with a particular node in the group. In addition to security, blockchains testing looks at the databases’ and ledgers’ load capacity and scalability.

Agile and DevOps

The newest trends in automation testing also include Agile and DevOps, and these trends will last for years to come. DevOps and Agile are being adopted by organizations in response to the need for speed and frequently changing requirements.

Agile approaches assist in embracing constantly changing needs, and DevOps enables organizations to make system changes quickly and effectively. By incorporating both Agile and DevOps, organizations may deliver applications with higher quality and faster through continuous and automated testing.

DevOps QA teams may improve the automated testing and application delivery processes by utilizing CI/CD pipelines with AI. The key benefit of combining the two is the ability to find defects before the application is released, which enhances the user experience.

API and Services test automation

Currently, separating the client from the server is a popular design strategy for both Web and mobile apps. The same API and services are utilized by numerous apps and components. To ensure that apps run without errors, it is now necessary for teams to test APIs and services independently of the applications that use them. QA teams may find and fix errors more rapidly by automating the API testing process. Additionally, it enables smooth connection with external API services.

When testing APIs and services as opposed to client apps and components, there are considerable time and financial benefits. The demand for automated testing of APIs and services is likely to increase, possibly outpacing the functionality used by end users on user interfaces. The right approach, instrument, and solution are now more important than ever for API automation tests.

Mobile application testing using automation

Mobile app development is a trend that is still expanding as mobile devices and the internet are used more and more frequently. So, it is not surprising that one of the top testing trends for 2023 is mobile automated testing. Shortening the time to market and using more advanced tools and approaches for mobile test automation are driving this trend.

Testers must make sure that users will want to use the app on their phones or tablets, even if it is not a mobile-only app. Automation of mobile application testing allows QA teams to enhance regression test cases, increase testing output, speed up application delivery, and guarantee greater user happiness. Checking whether an application function on both Android and iOS devices is simple with automation tools for mobile app testing.

Codeless automation Testing

The next biggest trend in automated testing is codeless automation. Test cases for test automation may be created more quickly thanks to codeless test automation. Advanced automated testing solutions enable testers to build test case scenarios without any coding knowledge and save time by automating the writing and execution of test scripts.

Due to the minimal learning curve, test case creation happens very quickly, which speeds up the automation process. Regardless of the size and kind of application, codeless automated testing eliminates the need to create thousands of lines of code.

During the Software Development LifeCycle process, this feature maximizes testing efficiency, dependability, and stability. One of the most well-liked testing solutions that provide codeless automation is Selenium, which frees developers to focus more on creating cutting-edge applications.

Cloud-based Cross Browser Testing

Formerly, website developers had to ensure that the website they created was responsive for particular mobiles, tabs, and computers by writing distinct codes for various devices and browsers. It will be extremely expensive to build a testing infrastructure of that scale given the variety of devices on the market, each with its resolution and browser.

Automating the testing processes across many browsers and testing environments has become essential as a result of technological improvements facilitating cross-platform development. Applications are shifting to the cloud to improve productivity while lowering infrastructure costs and scalability.

Because of this, most organizations today are switching to cloud-based cross-browser testing platforms. A cloud-based testing strategy provides for limitless resource use. With the cloud, there is no need for a sizable initial investment because users only pay for the resources they use. If there is a need for more resources than the cloud can provide, there won’t be a problem because the cloud can expand its resources as needed. Unlike traditional automated testing tools, there is no maintenance needed using the cloud.

Leverage the most recent trends and technological advancements with LambdaTest

There are numerous platforms and devices accessible right now. It’s crucial to create applications that work well across all of these environments and platforms. Setting up and running a test lab with all of these device and OS combinations requires a significant investment of time and money, which can be challenging. Moreover, multiple teams attempting to share resources can cause test cycles to lag.

One such cloud-based solution with all of this built-in is LambdaTest.

LambdaTest is a digital experience testing that offers cross browser compatibility testing across 3000+ real browsers, devices, and OS combinations. One advantage of LambdaTest is the ability to run tests parallely across several browsers and platforms.

A user can keep up with all of the most recent trends and technological advancements with this platform. It leverages AI technology in testing to cut expenses, save time, and ease the testers’ learning curve.

With the use of AI technology, the tester can create test cases in English that can be converted into the desired programming language. Additionally, LambdaTest includes self-healing technologies that can recognize changes in the user interface and modify the test script for that element on its own. These artificial intelligence techniques can speed up procedures and increase their quality.


The trends for automation testing in 2023 that were covered above will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the test automation market. Consequently, it is essential to comprehend these modern trends and incorporate these technologies into testing activities if one wants to stay current and ahead of the competition in the software testing market.

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